Phoenix Suns vs Los Angeles Lakers game 5 was one of the best games in the 2010 NBA Playoffs. The reason why this game was so incredible was because Ron Artest and Jason Richardson both hit big shots.
Even thow they both hit big shots Ron Artest shot was the one that mattered the most because it made the Los Angeles Lakers victorious. Even thow Ron Artest hit the big shot all of the attention wasn't drawn to the shot.
Some of the attention was directed to his signature sneakers. Although he had on his signature sneakers Jason Richardson also had on signature sneakers and Artest and Richardson's sneakers are from the same brand Peak. Jason Richardson sneakers have a black base with orange and purple hints to go with the Phoenix Suns colors. Ron Artest Peak sneakers has a white color base and yellow and purple hints in the sneaker to match the Los Angeles Lakers colors. Ron Artest Peak shoes also seems more bulkier than Jason Richardson's Peak shoes. So who has the better signature shoes Jason Richardson or Ron Artest.
Ron Artest signature shoes are more bulkier than Jason Richardson's signature shoes. This means that Ron Artest shoes probably have more support and protection or more technology than Jason Richardson shoes. Although Ron Artest shoes are more bulkier which means there most likely good for basketball because of their protection and a good possibility of alot of technology in the shoe they probably are'nt good for guards which is a position that you have to move around alot and be quick. Bulky sneakers like Ron Artest signature shoes slow you down and there only mainly good for big men who have to play in the paint. They aren't even that good for big men who have to play around the perimeter or have to sometimes look for an open shot like a forward like Kevin Garnett because there so hard to move around in. Another bad affect about Ron Artest signature shoes is there very doofey and should'nt be worn for style. They should only be worn for big men who play basketball but there still a good shoe. Jason Richardson shoes are perfect for a guard because there easier to move around in and plus they are'nt a bad shoe to wear for style so who's shoe is better? Probably Richardson's because they aren't bad for a guard or a big man and they aren't bad to wear for style.
Ron Artest signature shoes are more bulkier than Jason Richardson's signature shoes. This means that Ron Artest shoes probably have more support and protection or more technology than Jason Richardson shoes. Although Ron Artest shoes are more bulkier which means there most likely good for basketball because of their protection and a good possibility of alot of technology in the shoe they probably are'nt good for guards which is a position that you have to move around alot and be quick. Bulky sneakers like Ron Artest signature shoes slow you down and there only mainly good for big men who have to play in the paint. They aren't even that good for big men who have to play around the perimeter or have to sometimes look for an open shot like a forward like Kevin Garnett because there so hard to move around in. Another bad affect about Ron Artest signature shoes is there very doofey and should'nt be worn for style. They should only be worn for big men who play basketball but there still a good shoe. Jason Richardson shoes are perfect for a guard because there easier to move around in and plus they are'nt a bad shoe to wear for style so who's shoe is better? Probably Richardson's because they aren't bad for a guard or a big man and they aren't bad to wear for style.
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